Saturday, December 18, 2010

Race To Nowhere

"I'm afraid the children will sue us  for stealing their childhood."

Race to Nowhere Screening by Kinza Academy with Hamza Yusuf

Friday, December 10, 2010


must remember that Allah is the One who grants sustenance (rezeki) to us and He is able to take it any time He wants from us.

Sometimes we forget that all of our rezeki belongs to Him and Him only.

As a student, I think the perfect example would be regarding to our examination results.

Try to think about the time when we get not-so-good or really (it can be just really or really really really) bad results.

We will, inevitably, question the reasons why we get such results.

And we will be finding it difficult to accept. At some point, we'll get sad or mad with Allah. Unconsciously or consciously.

But think about this whenever you feel the same way as I've described earlier.

1. To whom our rezeki belongs to?

2. Who grants us such results?

It is Allah.


So if He decides to take a little bit of his rezeki from you, it's His rights.

Because all of the rezeki belongs to Him and Him only, so it is His rights (and may I add, it is natural too) for Him take something of His belongings back.

Don't you think so?

And remember that it is by His mercy that He grants us sustenance. If not...

We are, after all, Alllah's weak servants who depend unto Him to live in this dunya.

We should be ashamed with ourselves whenever we feel sad or mad or angry with Allah and try to rebel Him just because He wants to take His belongings back from us.

And do know this. Allah's decisions are the best for us.

If He suddenly decides to test us with our exam grades, there must be reasons behind it. Kan kan?

So don't be sad or mad with Allah when we get bad grades.

Rather, we should think of the hikmah behind it and every time we study, try to betulkan our intentions (niat).

That we do it as an ibadah to Him. And it is up to Him to decide of the rest.


"And if you would count the graces of ALLAH, never could you be able to count" [Quran 14:34]

P/S: This post serves as reminder for myself too...
P/P/S: Done with this quarter, alhamdulillah. ^__^ Can't wait for the grades and for next quarter's classes.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Double Post

in a day.


They just inspire me.

I mean, this is the first time I've seen and read them.

And I already am inspired by them.

To top it off, it is the other who wrote them.

I just want to say thanks to ALLAH for giving me the instinct to read them from the blog.

Say, I wanna see and read more of them.

So I hope the other will update it as fast as the other can.

InshaAllah....the one goal, Ustaziyatul Alam (UA) is going to be achieved someday! Believe it!

And yes, you gotta start from IM and go through each step before going straight up to UA.


اللهم مقلب القلوب ثبّت قلبي على دينك

“O turner of the hearts! Establish my heart upon Your religion.”

It Has Come to An End


Fall 2010 classes have officially ended last Friday.

I don't know why, but I feel sad when my Japanese class came to an end on that Friday.

Call me sentimental or whatever, but I definitely will be missing some of my classmates from that class.

That class, is(or should I use, was?) by far, the best class I ever ever had.

The instructors are very helpful in terms of giving useful comments when they daily-graded our performances in ACT or recitation class.

They don't  mind the students asking them lots of questions. In which the questions can be related to syllabus and off the syllabus.  :P

And they, especially Luftー先生, gave motivations every now and then to the students. Which helps us a lot. Like, really A LOT.

failed attempt to take pic in Jap class...
This is the class that I enjoy learning most, similar to what I felt before with  Psychology class in INTI.

I learnt lotsa new stuffs in which I believe will bring some goodness to my life as a Muslim...inshaAllah.

Anyways, I'll be looking forward to the next level of Japanese next quarter.

Can't wait to learn good atarashii stuffs! May Allah grant His barakah with the knowledge I've gained from this class...amin.

And InshaAllah, I'm planning to take Arabic classes too the next next quarter. And I'll definitely continue to the next level too...

Conclusion is, I am crazy with languages. Thank you.

To all my friends who will be sitting for the finals paper this week and the next, I wish you guys all the best! 

Put your best effort, and have trust in Allah (tawakkal), that He will take care of the rest.  


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Giving Up?

Click here for Part 2. :)

As of now, I'm trying to give up my liking to laziness and procrastination, for the sake of ALLAH. 

I'm more than confident that Allah will grant me better stuffs.

What about you? 

What will you give up for the sake of Allah?

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Can Finally See

that there are so many people who share the same goals and objectives as ours.


It is an inexplicable feeling to know that there are indeed many people on this road. The road towards ensuring Islam at its peak again.

Maybe all this while, we are so focused on our own circles that we do not know that what we are doing now is something BIG.

I mean, really really BIG!

Alhamdulillah, thank you ALLAH for the opportunity to meet those wonderful people. Thanks for easing our ways towards You.

Alhamdulillah for all the knowledge that I've gained there, during the slots (of all the tafsir of some Surahs), inside and outside the car.

May it be beneficial to us and others, in whatever ways it might be...InshaAllah.

May ALLAH ease the way for us to change towards better Muslims.

p/s: I can't hardly wait for Pre-Muktamar and Muktamar! :D

p/p/s:  Buffalo wings RULE!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Abah and Mak, listen to this! =)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eid Mubarak

to all Muslims out there, especially those of you in Malaysia!

May Allah accept our Ibadaat and prayers. May Allah bless you and your family . May Allah give you the best of this world and the Next world to come. May Allah ease our ways in attaining the eternal Jannah.

Yes, I took all the pics from someone's album. Mintak halal ya, tuan punya album.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


is defined as putting off or defering an action to a later time.

So when Sheikh Omar Baloch talked about procrastination, it struck me really really hard. Especially when he mentioned of the reasons behind it.

The one reason I like(and agree most) with him is where he said, "people procrastinate because they want to run away from reality."

As you all might already know, I am a CHRONIC procrastinator. And upon hearing that from him, I realize that it is very true indeed.

It kind of answer my question about feeling surreal for the things I'm working on.

Procrastination is definitely not one of the traits anybody--especially Muslims, should ever have. Because it is also actually a form of heedlessness to ALLAH. Not good, not good :(

And you know what? When you procrastinate, you are also refusing to go out of your comfort zone. And it leads you think that it's okay if you're not doing your work because the deadline has yet to come.

Anyways, Alhamdulillah...he shared quite a few tips as to how we(I) can cure ourselves(myself) from being so.

1. Write down your goals in your note books or whatever piece of writing materials you have with you, at every morning.

2. Set your goals in accordance to the priorities. As in, knowing what needs to be finished first etc.

3. Before going to sleep for the day, look at the list and see how much you have completed your goals of the day.

Hence, I will try my best to accomplish my goals every day without delaying 'em to the last minute.

somewhere in Penn State
P/S: I have already bought the book! Hopefully, I can be more effective after this...Inshallah.


No, the above number does not represent my age. Thank you. 

Thanks to Ana for the tag. So the rule is, I have to write 25 random things, habits or goals, kan?

Okay, here goes.

1. I should be more thankful to ALLAH. 
2. I like frogs. No idea why, I just do.
3. I think I might want to continue doing my Master's degree in OSU. 
4. Factual stuffs fascinate me. I don't have an affinity with imaginations.
5. Some people thought I'm offended when they make comments concerning my height. Oh, how wrong they are coz I LIKE being short. :D
6. On the surface, I look SUPER serious. But truth is, I'm only serious when I need to be so. 
7. On second thought, maybe I am serious almost all the time. 
8. People in US are generally friendly. And yes! Americans talk a lot. Seriously, A LOT!!
9. It's been long since I read good books. So one of the goals I have for this month, is to read at least two good books. 
10. I am inspired by people who shows optimism in life. 
11. As of now, I am garu-garu kepala to find ways to answer this tag till the end.
12. I still am.............
13. Aha! I always try to think critically, but sadly, I've failed for quite a few times already.
14. But that shouldn't stop me from trying it again.
15. I lost my retainer during the second week I'm in US.
16. When given the option to buy a clothe or a book, I'd definitely pick the latter one.
17. I am nerdy. :-b 
18. Islam is a way of life, the deen. So we gotta live our life according to it. Tiba-tiba, rindu kelas World Religion.
19. I have a thing with coffee. But I don't go crazy over it.
20. Wow, it's 20 already! Can't believe it!
21. I need to grow up. Well, literally and figuratively.
22. Empathy is one of the things I am lacking in.
23. I don't get impressed easily. Hence, the reasons why I am lacking with empathy. Or is it the other way round? Emmmm....
24. The first time I ever get to know and get close to my juniors is when I was in INTI. 
25. I still laugh at Mr Bean's jokes in his shows even after watching 'em for many times already. =__="

Alhamdulillah....I made it to #25. And so I shall make other people feel this suffering that Ana has put me into...*evil laugh* 


1. Shira
2. Tini
3. Amalina-san(hopefully she's gonna do this tag...amin)
4. Nabilah a.k.a Bell.
5. Kak Ngah! :D

Monday, November 1, 2010



Alhamdulillah, all praises due to Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Seeing the bonds we have, I can't help but feel extremely grateful to Allah. It feels so different, so different indeed.  That my heart swells and filled with warmth when we have our talks together, when we eat together, when we go for walks together.

It is so true when someone points out to me, that the best kind of relationship we can have with others is when the relationship is based on 'aqidah, out of your love to ALLAH. That reminds me, I wrote something related to friendship in my previous post.

" The best of friend is when looking at his/her face, you'll remember Allah; listening to his/her words, you'll gain knowledge; and, seeing his/her behavior, you'll remember death."

Ukhwah fillah my friends and ukhti! Love you very much~~~

P/S: Someone said, pray for the one that you like(of the same or different religion), for him/her to get hidayah from ALLAH because that's one of the best thing you can do for him/her. :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reminder to Myself

You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


is gooood. Now, I don't know how many times I've said it or will say it, but it is true.

Psychology is great because it makes you think in broader perspectives, makes you understand others and most importantly makes you an optimist. :)

Just now in English class, we get to watch a video (which is educational, for the first time). Yay!

My lecturer was trying to get us to think of how critical thinking should be and how it can be relayed to others in many ways, not only through academic medium.

I believe the video is related to psychology, where it mentions of mirror neurons, being emphatic and whatnot.  :) :)

Click here to watch it!

The video is about 10 minutes, so if you reallly like psychology(like me! :P) you might survive it till the end.


And so, in the evening, during the MSA meeting, a speaker from the Student Wellness Center gave a talk on stress management, which no doubt, involves psychology too. Double yays! :D

Basically, stress is triggered by stressors, which leads to cognitive perception, hence triggering your body reactions.

copyrights of Matt Groening
The perception that you have in mind is the main factor contributing to stress.

If you perceive something (or rather, stressors) as positive, you'll end up feeling good and happy and satisfied and happy with yourself.

Well, think what would've happened if you put it the other way round (meaning to take it negatively). It will only brings about bad reactions eh? ちょっとだめですね?

Conclusion: Take every single thing happening in your life positively! InshaAllah, you'll feel really glad to have such way of thinking. And....please do take a liking for psychology (of course!)

P/S: Watch this too! If you're addicted to thedeenshow, you would not want to miss it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

After All


I just want to express my gratitude for the OPTIMISM everyone's giving me every now and then.

It comes in so many forms that sometimes I'm getting too much of it(which is good, by the way).

It felt so surreal that I am actually still surviving here. Alhamdulillah, ALLAH take good care of all of us with His continuous helps and blessings.

I don't know. Most of the time, I still feel like I'm in Malaysia. Because it all seems too good to be true. Ah....that's the power of surrealism, I tell you.

Anyways, here's a sweet reminder for me and you(just in case you're feeling down or alone or anything that's equivalent to it),

"If Allah is your helper then nothing can overcome you and if HE withdraw HIS help from you, who is there who can help you after HIM? In ALLAH let believers put their trust" (3:160)

So there! Another boost for me to keep the OPTIMISM high in the sky!


this is one source of optimism too. if you think real hard, you'll get what i mean. :)

p/s: Shahida, Hadi & Awa, I bought the book for you guys! :D :D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

If You Think

you know your stuff well, think again. Because ALLAH ultimately knows it better.

But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.

Alhamdulillah, it went well. Alhamdulillah, it has brought upon such feeling I haven't felt for so long. Alhamdulillah, to the people of Indiana, thank you for the visit. Most important of all, alhamdulillah, thank you to ALLAH. Hamdallah. 

InshaAllah, we'll gather up again sometimes later. and have a rematch!

P/S: If you're free somewhere in the middle of Oct and early Nov, I'm encouraging you to click here, and register yourself for a very beneficial event, endorsed by MSD Chicago.

p/s/s: I treat a child like an adult. O__O! All because she speaks English awesomely!!!!!

Edit: Watch this!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Swirl of Emotions


1. I'm grateful for everything.
*To the sky(this word means so much to me). Thank you. :)

2. I'm anxious.

3. I'm trying to retain the optimism in myself.

4. I'm struggling to keep up with the workloads.

5. I MISS home. I really do.

*i miss looking through this window!*

Reminder to myself;

"What is the life of this world but amusement and play? but verily the Home in the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew."  (29:64)

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Quickie Post


For the sake of updating this blog, I'll write something about the quarter system in OSU. I am taking four courses in this quarter. For those who are unfamiliar with quarter system,  it consists 10 weeks of classes. 

You'll have four quarters in a year (Autumn/Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer quarters), but you can opt to be off from one quarter in a year.  I don't know if it only applies to international students or not.

Those four classes I'm taking are Japanese, English, Human Ecology and Molecular Biology. Total credit hours, 16. As an international student, a minimum of 12 credit hours is required from you in order to maintain your F-1 status.

Alhamdulillah, I AM very grateful to ALLAH for the classes arrangement because it suits me perfectly. Breaks between classes, good lecturers....and having the opportunity to take Japanese..... :D

And, if you're worrying about the size of the class in OSU....worry not. Because most of the classes are small in numbers. Now, I typed most because I only have 24-30 students in my Japanese and English classes, but it can be as many as 200++ to 600 students in a class. So..........yeah.

Anyways, you'll be most probably enrolled in small classes. Just don't forget to check your schedule before enrolling into a class.

I think that's all you need to know about the system here. If you have questions about OSU(hint: juniors), just ask me. I'll try my best to help you. :)

Back to the class-thingy, I'm gonna put my utmost efforts to gain as much Allah's knowledge as I can and use it in the right way....inshallah. 

For the sake of reminding myself again, I am studying because of ALLAH. Lillahi ta'ala, yes!

*back to writing essays*

......NOT! :P

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Of Columbus


Here we go. An update from Columbus, OH.

I think I should start with the people here. Seniors are nice and kind. And, the owners of the house(the parents and their kids) that I'm staying now, are SUPERBLY and INCREDIBLY nice and VERY helpful.

The weather is suitable for most of us(you know, those people who come here with me). Not too cold and not too hot.

It's already Fall here, so it gets windy all the time. You know what, the cold air here feels the same as the air coming off from an air-conditioner.Sejuk, tapi best.

The Raya/ Eid celebration okay. My friends and I had some Raya dishes before going to the Ohio Union early in the morning.

Later that day, we went to The Orchard for Raya gathering. Had the chance to meet families and their kids, staying around Columbus area. Banyak sangat makanan sampai tak termakan.

But still, alhamdulillah. Dapat jugak makan sedapsedap on Hari Raya.

The place that I'm living at(that'd be Buckeye Village) is near to lots of supermarkets and halal stores, has free bus service to go to places around here(including the areas around OSU), and most importantly is very very safe to live in.

BV is heavily populated with families, so you'll get to see lots of kids playing around here. Especially, at the playgrounds.

And, there's also a Community Center which provides great services i.e. laundry, gym, TV room.

I still have a lot of things to settle here.  Sitting for placement test, buying prepaid cards for the phone, and setting up a bank account.

So there. Habis dah. No worries, I am very fine here.

No back pain yet. Makanan semua sedap dan halal. Don't worry lah Mak and Abah.

P/S: OSU post comin' up....insyaAllah. So stay tuned. ;D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

So Until Then

I wish you well. Goodbye, Brielle.

Just telling, I'll be out of my hometown in.......2 hours. I'll be going to Kuantan, then to Puchong, and
off to you-know-where.

Please make du'a for all of us, to safely arrive in Columbus. Inshallah, once I get there(and have internet connection!), I'll update this slimyfroggy blog.

I think I'm gonna cry. I mean, at airport okay? Not here. 

Definitely NOT.


P/S: To those whom have yet to know, the flight's on this Wednesday. Aaaaa....why am I telling this anyway? Takdak sapa dah nak hantar pun. BOOHOO.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Matters Most

is why you're doing it.

"Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated."

related by Bukhari and Muslim


I am trying my best in reminding myself to do everything for the sake of ALLAH. It's very very easy to lose track and forget the intention altogether. For me, that is. 

You know, the word steadfast and me can't be put together in one line/sentence for I'm hardly a disciplined person. So, I really really need to remember why I'm doing this and that.Perbaharui niat, is what I call it in Malay.

And alhamdulillah, ALLAH always show me the way to Him in lots of ways. Be it the words of friends, the blog updates and the daily reminders I get from FB and Twitter. Alhamdulillah, all praises due to Allah. THANK YOU, ALLAH. :D

Inshallah, I'll make sure of myself to keep the niat(or intention) only for ALLAH, and nothing but Him alone because that's what a Muslim should be striving for. To do everything for ALLAH.

p.s. If you remember, this very thing I'm trying to convey, has been already conveyed in a nasheed by Yusuf Islam. I Look I See. Remember the lines, 
'And everything I do, I dedicate to You'?

Random picture of the day: RETAINERS! *pfft*

Monday, August 23, 2010



ALERTALERT: Major spoilersramblings lie ahead! Please don't read this post.

You see, I've been saying/wishing goodbyes for the past few weeks, hours, minutes and seconds. O-kay, maybe not minutes and seconds.

1. To Friends.
Most of my friends are already at the States now, leaving the Ohioans(or Buckeyes-as Sabrina puts it) behind. Alhamdulillah, they're doing fine there. They're all over the place, Ames, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York. Well, you get the idea.

I guess I'll get to say "Hellloooo" to them in 2 weeks time. May Allah ease our journey.NO IKEA at 43210?? :'(

2. To old SE
Soaked in the water. Enough said. Got a new SE and I won't buy another phone once I get there.(Should I buy a new expensive phone, you can call me and scold me for good. Deal? )

3. To Braces 
Just a few hours ago, I went to the dentist. And that's how I get to say バイバイ to it.  Retainer's not ready yet. So yep, no plastic on the teeth.I'VE GOT A NEW SETS OF TEETH! :D K.ngah, you hafta wait to see my new teeth! Mwahaha.

4. To myself
Okay...this shall wait.

Have a good Ramadhan, dear friends. I'm sure I do.=)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So I'm Late

but I just have to share this video. =)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Don't Wait, Just Do It! =)

The logic of 'I can only do this if these conditions arise' is wrong. The believer must trust in Allah and must make the greatest efforts possible, begging Allah for strength and the result.

When a subject that the mind is not completely content with arises, one's the lower self has a strong tendency to make up excuses. One of the excuses that lower self comes up with is; "If circumstances were like this, then I would be like that." This is a logic based on the idea that whatever it is that needs to be done, the current state of affairs is not conducive to it.

The person concerned completely convinces himself and constantly waits for those desired ‘conditions’ to come about. Essentially, instead of looking to the objective and resolving the issue, he devotes all his energy to whether or not the appropriate conditions have arisen. Because of this erroneous belief, he can never find within himself the strength to make the effort that needs to be made. And in this way he wastes months and even years.

There is no doubt that this is a most false logic. In particular, the human mind is very limited. People are only able to consider matters from a restricted perspective. Allah is the One Who is omnipotent. Allah is the One Who knows all aspects of a matter with the hidden and concealed aspects of it, what went before it and what comes after it, from all perspectives; and in the best manner for everyone. Therefore, if Allah has created a situation within specific conditions, then there is great wisdom in this. That is because these conditions are manifestations of His omniscience. That means that he should exhibit those efforts he keeps postponing now, under the currently prevailing circumstances. Allah sees wisdom in this, and he is tested under these conditions.

In addition, if the circumstances are not conducive, Allah would in any case not want from the individual to exhibit that behavior. That is because Allah reveals in the Qur’an that He will not impose a heavier burden on a person than he can bear. For that reason, the logic that forms in a person’s mind, along the lines of “I can only do these things if these circumstances apply” is completely wrong from the beginning till the end. Allah informed us about this truth in the Qur'an as follows:

As for those who have faith(iman) and do right actions – We impose on no self any more than it can bear – they are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (Surat al-A’raf: 42) 

We do not impose on any self any more than it can stand. With Us there is a Book which speaks the truth. They will not be wronged. (Surat al-Muminun: 62)

In addition, even if those circumstances the person awaits really seem to be so essential for him, it is still wrong for him to postpone something that needs to be done to a later time just for this reason. If Allah’s approval requires a person to makes endeavors on a matter, then it is incompatible with good conscience for a believer to put them off for any reason.

And one attribute of a believer is that he never follows the logic of “conditions are not right” and totally gives up. For example the number of unbelievers in the world and their forcefulness is very high. But a believer will never show slackness when it comes to making efforts in order to bring the moral values of Islam to rule the world by saying “Like it or not, this is how things stand.” Nor will he ever cease preaching the moral values of the Qur'an to the world because of external pressure from his surroundings, saying “The climate is not conducive just at the present moment.”

This logic applies to every issue in a believer’s life. In resolving the issues that rise up in his daily life, as well as in overcoming the evil of his lower self, the believer must never forget that “seeking excuses” and “using the prevailing conditions as a pretext” is incompatible with the Qur’an. The Qur’an reveals what a person knows what he must do, under all circumstances, no matter what excuses a person may make:

In fact, man will be clear proof against himself in spite of any excuses he might offer.(Surat al-Qiyama: 42)

As well as all these very important facts, another matter that must never be forgotten is “the proximity of death.” While a person convinces himself that “conditions are not yet right” and “I can only do that if this happens first” and waits for the right circumstances to come about, he may find himself on the brink of death at any moment. He may suffer a disease that takes away all his strength in the physical sense in an instant. Or the existing conditions may become even more difficult and undesirable than they are at the moment. In that case, according to this logic of his, he will find himself in a position that he will never have the strength to do something for which he said, ”I cannot do this because the circumstances are not yet right.” The fact is, however, that even if conditions become worse than they are now, the believer must still believe – by Allah’s leave and with His help – that he has the strength to do what is necessary and strive to do the best that he can ,in the light of that belief. Even if these efforts fail to bear fruit, Allah will still see his intentions and endeavors and, insha’Allah, will still give his morality the finest reward. The Qur’an reveals Allah’s infinite justice as follows:

But as for anyone who desires the Hereafter, and strives for it with the striving it deserves, being a believer, the striving of such people will be gratefully acknowledged. (Surat al-Isra’: 19)

Taken from; Harun Yahya's Thought of the Day.

P/S: Ramadhan Mubarak to all Muslims! Remember!Be sure to put our greatest efforts to get the most out of it during this Holy Month.

P/P/S: Now, you don't think I wrote that article, do you? :P

Friday, August 6, 2010

Just When I Thought

I'd survive about one year(not realistic AT ALL!!) to not to update this blog, there's this strong urge to write/type something or anything in this blog today.

5- So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:

6- Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. (Al-Insyirah 94:5-6)
(Every single problem has its own solution. Yep, I need to be reminded several times before I get it right! So I'm okay now. Really, I am.)

So I was done with my visa interview, and I'm as confirmed as I can be that I'll be studying at Ohio(o-ha-yo) State University by this Fall. That's all, thank you blog. :) And oh, I forgot. You can ask for my US address now, just in case, if you ever want to send me any nice and good stuff. (HINT: food).

All rights reserved by Wiciwato . This magnificent northern light was there on August 3rd,2010. SUBHANALLAH!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

GREAT Expectation


So I can't seem to take it well. Selamat jalan, I'll be gone from this blog.But no worries, I'll still stalk your blogs. And NO, I didn't stop blogging because of expectation.

Goodbye, バイバイ. See you again someday, blog and people!Inshallah...

p/s: Happy Besday, Ami. Sorry for choosing today to stop blogging. It's purely coincidental,ok?

Monday, July 5, 2010

I Gotta Say

I'm not putting any effort to struggle, AT ALL.

I'm pretty much sitting here idly, while waiting for the day to pass by.

But hey, thank you, ya ukhti. You make me realize now. HAH!Take that, Nadiah!

Alhamdulillah, thank you. I'm gonna go Sky Sailing to the Light now. I still have empty seats in these paper planes. Now, anyone care to fill these seats?

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Blue Sky Is Blue Like Blue Bubblegum :)

 "He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (God) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw?"(67:3)

I was oblivious to the fact in the above verse until a day, where my friend pointed it out to me when we were taking a stroll somewhere in INTI. Really, the moment I looked at the sky.... I was utterly impressed(and almost dumbfounded) by ALLAH's words.

It is true; when you look at the sky, can you find any flaw at all? From the rolling white clouds, the perfect blue color that paints the wall of the sky to the limitless view of the sky. Subhanallah, the sky is truly perfect!

Most of the time, I need someone to point out things for me, for I'm a person who see everything that I feel, see and hear everyday as normal. If I see a rare flower one sunny day, I'd say " Subhanallah, this flower is superbly beautiful". Now, if I were to see the rare flower everyday, I'd just say, "Ah, that's a flower!".And that's it! No deep thinking, transforming or whatsoever.

Know why? Because it has gotten N-O-R-M-A-L! I don't like it when I do that. I want to see every creation of ALLAH as if I had only seen it for the first time and to be forever impressed and reminded of ALLAH's power, perfectness, artistry, intelligence etc.

That's why I like it when people reminds me to appreciate simple things that we encounter everyday in our life. Be it the 'nasi lemak' that you eat everyday, the kiwi ice cream that you get to eat everyday or even the chirping of a bird that you so often hear everyday.

Because when we start being grateful, we'll come to realize that ALLAH has given lots of nikmat(blessings) to us, humans. And it's shameful if we were to go and do whatever we like, using the nikmat(blessings) in wrong ways. ....................................................................................

I like this book too. It constantly reminds me of death( HEREAFTER!). :)
Alhamdulillah, thank you, ALLAH.

I feel the urge to buy this book and ask my child to read it when he/she knows well how to read. :P

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


"What tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive.So tangled,we catched ourselves."    

No wonder they are not tried in the courts of the world.
If they were to be, I wonder who are going to prosecute and defend 'em.
Not Edgey and PW for sure!They're not even REAL!
And they even have the nerve to manipulate the truth.
Again, I should not be shocked. ALLAH already give His warnings in the Qur'an.

I sure do hope I'll live to see the day....Inshallah. Just keep on going with our efforts to ensure the day'll come true, sooner or later.

Found this just now ; How To Keep Your Iman In High Spirit

P/S: One of my 'sumber-sumber inspirasi' has gone...GONE!! :(((((((((((((( It's back in ACTION, people! :D