Sunday, January 30, 2011


said this is easy.

Personal jihad against your inner self, that is.

The choice is in our hands. Be it good or bad stuffs, you gotta make your own decision.

It's either you take it or leave it when you're given the chance to do so.

Just remember that the decision made will be questioned later in the Hereafter.


P/S: Reminder to own self. Thank you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Saya mahu tulis bahawa saya berasa sangat bangga kerana punya sahabat seperti kalian.

Sahabat yang sentiasa mengingatkan saya kepadaNya. Kadang-kadang secara sengaja, kadang-kadang tak sengaja.

Sahabat yang selalu bangkitkan semangat saya. Kadang-kadang secara sengaja, kadang-kadang tak sengaja.

-Tulis perkara-perkara bagus dalam blog tak kira lah tentang ketuhanan atau pengalaman hidup,
- Kongsi blog bagus untuk saya stalk :P,
- Ingatkan saya tentang sunnah Nabi waktu makan sama-sama,
- Ajar saya buat ini dan itu,
- Ajak saya baca doa yang baru dalam solat,
- Bagi saya inspirasi untuk baca buku bagus,
- Bagi saya dengar talks daripada speakers yang bagus dan macam-macam lagi.

Saya memang selalu tertanya-tanya kenapa Allah 'campak' kami semua di sini, di bumi US ini.

Lama juga sebenarnya masa yang saya ambil untuk faham kenapa sebabnya (sebab saya ini memang jenis lambat faham).

Tapi sekarang ini saya dah faham sikit-sikit kenapa. Inshallah, saya rasa saya dah faham kenapa.

Di sinilah baru saya faham kenapa ikatan persahabatan berlandaskan aqidah itu penting.

Kalau saya lupa denganNya, akan ada orang lain yang akan ingatkan kerana mereka FAHAM.

Tak kira sejauh mana mereka belajar dalam US yang besar ini, pertolongan itu tetap sampai. Samada secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja.

Alhamdulillah sangat sangat...

Bila saya kurang bersemangat nak buat itu dan ini, mesti mereka ajak saya dengan baik.

Dengan senyuman, jenaka dan kata-kata sarkastik yang saya suka!

Terasa sangat untung bila fikir balik tentang ini sebab di saat saya malas untuk buat itu dan ini, mesti Allah tunjukkan cara untuk jadi rajin kembali melalui mereka ini.


Dan bila saya rasa susah nak terima realiti/ berada di awang-awangan (surreal), mereka selalu ada untuk ingatkan saya bahawa semua ini adalah realiti.

Ya, inilah realiti saya pada masa sekarang. Bahawa saya di'campak'kan di US ini dengan tujuan.

Bukan saja-saja.

Terima kasih, sahabat!

Terima kasih kepada kalian semua yang berada di Arizona, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, dan tak lupa juga, di Ohio.

Kalau saya jatuh, jangan lupa hulurkan tangan dan beri semangat untuk saya bangkit kembali ya!

P/S : Sebarang kesalahan tatabahasa di dalam post ini amatlah dikesali. Harapan penulis semasa menulis post ini dalam Bahasa Melayu hanyalah untuk mengingatkan kembali penulis akan bahasa ibundanya di Malaysia.

P/P/S : Saya mahu pulang ke tanah air tercinta agar dapat melihat kembali sawah-sawah padi, jalan-jalan raya, serta merasai bahang kepanasan di negeri Darul Aman.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Basic Foundations of Relationships

Listen to this video to the very end, and you'll find yourself struck with most of his points.

Though he mostly talks of parents' and spouses' roles, I sincerely think the points apply to all of us.

Us, being the twenteens.

*taken from Laili Harlina's FB. Jazakillah Laili.


P/S: Can we request him as a guest speaker for MSA event or even better, Muktamar? :P

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Have you ever been mad at yourself for not being able to understand something even though you've read that something for God-knows-how many times already?

Or for not being able to arrive on time though you've planned out everything at your very best?

Or for not being able to get into the university you want the most?

Or for not being able to properly convey your message or thoughts to others?

Or anything that just don't go according to your plan?


It is by human nature that we'll feel frustrated when the things we've planned went wrong. 

But remember that all of these events happening in our lives are under ALLAH's control.

Yep, all of them. Not one single thing miss out from ALLAH's hands.

Often times we ask why this and that happens. We complain, we whine and we get sad.

Yet we (I) often forget that it is by ALLAH's power that this and that happens.

Nampak simple, tapi selalu lupa. In my case lah.


One sufficient example would be the first question I asked at the beginning of the post.

Have we ever put a deep thought as to why we couldn't understand something no matter how hard we try to understand it?

Sometimes we thought that we haven't put enough effort into understanding it.

" I didn't read this note thoroughly." , " I didn't make enough exercises and practice to understand this chapter." , and et cetera.

But as you think and think and think, you'll get to the conclusion that there's a greater power than you who can grant you that ability to understand the knowledge.

Well, who's that greater power?

Definitely ALLAH!


He is the One and only who can give you the understanding of His knowledge.

And because He is the only One who's in control of the knowledge. 

No one else know of His knowledge except for Himself.

So if He decide that you are not to understand something, you won't understand it. 

You just won't.

But then, we can always pray to Him. Do remember to make du'a to ALLAH to ease our understanding of His knowledge be it in His deen or His other knowledge in this world.

"My Lord, expand for me my Bosom and ease for me my task and remove the knot from my tongue (speech) so that they may understand my speech. My Lord increase me in knowledge."

"O Allah, fill my heart with light and increase the strength of my hearing, my sight and my memory."

للَّهُم إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ فَهْمَ النَّ بِيِّينَ وَ حِفْظَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ الْمُقَرَّبِينَ

Oh Allah! I ask You for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to You."

I know this is already late, but I hope everyone are ready for the battle for this quarter...Inshallah, with ALLAH's help.


P/S: This post serves as reminder for myself before others.

Biodata is actually an English word?

About Me

Full Name: I shouldn't be giving out my full name.(Amirullah, 2011) Bahaya woo..

Date of Birth: The Hijrah or Gregorian calendar?

Age: Somewhat younger than most of you stalkers... :P

Married: Nope.

Zodiac: That smelly one.

Foot Size: No size for webbed foot.

Weight: Constantly changing.

Height: I ain't tall, that's for sure.

Nickname: Nadi (scientific name given by high school friends).

High School: Convent A/S. And no, my school do not have church or statues or anything related to it.

College/University: The famous INTI/ The Ohio State University.

Last thing I just did: Answering the above question.

My Room Condition: Comfortable enough to live in.

Having a relationship? For many times?: Relationships with Allah, His messengers, Abah & Mak, siblings, friends. Countless time.

Take Your Own Picture Now and Don't Edit:

Yes, I am that white, invisible entity in the darkness. 


About Others

Name of your first gf/bf: Zilch

Name of your gf/bf right now: Nil

Name of the person you miss the most right now: Can I substitute 'person' to 'food' instead?

Name of the last person you've hurt: I don't remember.

Name of the person you hate the most: Hate is a strong word. I don't contain such strong emotion in my heart.

Name of your pet: I remember this; Raiko!


About Myself

Pernah korek hidung?: Macam bukan manusia yang tanya soalan ni

Pernah baca msg pastu senyum/gelak sorang2?: Sapa nak gelak/senyum bila baca msg? Berbahaya kot MSG ni...Ish ish ish.

Pernah gayut sampai tertido?: Ni kerja monyet dan spesies-spesies saja. Manusia taklarat aih nak gayut sampai tertido.

Pernah kentut kat khalayak ramai?: Orang yang tanya soalan ni mesti bukan manusia.

Pernah tidur dalam kelas?: Pernah, kecuali dalam kelas Borges. 

Pernah pukul orang?: ...dalam imaginasi saja laa.

Pernah nangis depan awek/pakwe?: Amende lah? (Abdul Habir, 2011)

Pernah kene birthday prank?: Yep. But, it didn't work cos I'm good at spoiling the mood and being Stickler.


First time

kena marah: waktu zaman muda dahulu.

duduk jauh dari family: waktu zaman INTI dulu-dulu.

tengok wayang: dalam game. :D

ponteng kelas: Orang yang lambat paham macam saya ni takbuleh kalau ponteng kelas.

jatuh cinta: waktu kenal ALLAH dengan sebetulnya.

kena reject: ALLAH takkan reject cinta hambaNya.

accident: Depan rumah Suaathi.

5 entiti yang saya nak tag:

1) Katak pisang
2) Rumah api
3) Laut dekat Seattle
4) Belon udara panas
5) Burung hantu!

Sekian sahaja tag daripada Amalina Amirullah. Assalamu'alaikum.

Monday, January 17, 2011

T & T

Times of difficulty test our faith, our fortitude and our strength. During these times, the level of our iman becomes manifest. 

Adversity strips away our masks, revealing the truth behind mere declaration of faith. 

Hardships separate those whose declaration is true from those who are false.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Begins

with you.

The change has to begin with you, yourself, me, I, we and us.

If I want to be more disciplined, I should start with myself.

If you want to be more matured, you should start with yourself.

If we want to create history for the Muslim ummah, we should begin with ourselves.


1. Recognize your own self.

2. Have clear vision of your purpose in life.

3. Be able to discern what is right/beneficial/real and what is wrong/detrimental/unreal.


Now, if I want to be more matured, I should have all that.

Especially the third one cos I am lacking in the ability to do so.

If I want to engage myself in reality, I should be able to disengage myself from the unreality.

I should not be too attached with the unreal because it is only for temporary.

Death is a reality. The Hereafter is our reality.

Take a proactive step to the reality, namely, the Akhirah.

-credits to Ust Hasanuddin, Bro Abdul Malik, Omar Baloch, Hamza Yusuf, and Nouman Ali Khan.

P/S: I am old.

Friday, January 7, 2011


is essential for our jasad and ruh.

My ruh is in need of food.

Anyone can suggest more good food for my ruh?


To tell the truth, I've been feeling restless since we got back to Columbus last Saturday.

Maybe waking up from a good night sleep to find that I don't have anymore talks or lectures or pengisian to be attended makes me feel that way.

And maybe, just maybe... I am not ready to face the reality yet.

Getting worked up for something that has a long, long way to go too is not that good.

Allah wants me to be more sabr. Yes indeed.


Now I am taking a small step to that road. InshaAllah...step by step.

Like they always say, "sikit-sikit & with istiqamah" .

May Allah lend me His strength to brace the reality, for I am His weak servant who hold no power to do so, except by His help and mercy.

And yes, I shall keep being an OPTIMIST! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

What I Learn

from the trilogy of Muktamar :

                !This awesome song I got from Amalina-san! :D

Nay, I ain't getting just that. But a whole lot of memories.

Memories filled with spiritual enrichments, sweetness of friendship, goooood food and beautifulness of places in States.




Subhanallah!Alhamdulillah...I really didn't expect I'd be getting these much.

The one most important lesson I've learnt from the trilogy is that Allah's plans are totally the BEST!!

I don't expect that I'd be able to know new great speakers in Islam.

I don't expect that I'd be talking with my friends about the awesomeness of Islam.

I don't even expect to be involved in something this big.

One thing for sure though, the experiences that I've gotten throughout this journey is the preparation (tarbiyah) by Allah for us to move forward.

To the reality.

And closer to Him.

Let us all move towards ALLAH! :D

P/S: Amalina, I'm gonna use one of your fav word here.

ZOMG!!!! I already miss you sisters and the 'pengisian'. Can't wait for our next Muktamar!!

P/P/S: I've got lots and lots of things to say, but that'll only make this already long post to be longer. T.T