in OSU last week was the
Discover Islam Week (DIW), which was organized by the
Muslim Students Association (MSA). Alhamdulillah, many of us got the chance to attend to the sessions they had.
They had talks or lectures about different topics for every day of the week.
1st day: What's the Deal with Islam? (by Peter Abdul Malik Casey)
2nd : Islam & USA Common Values for the Common Good (by Dr Alauddin Alauddin)
3rd : Women In Islam The Light of Life (by Dr Asma)
4th : Shariah 101 (by Mufri Abdullah Nana)
5th : What Would Jesus Do? (by Dr Abukar Amran)
So basically, the talks they did were successful to raise questions and awareness in Muslims and non-Muslim alike.
There were a lot of good questions were asked to the speakers, especially on the last topic of the week regarding Jesus a.s.
Subhanallah, you cannot be not awed by Dr Abukar Amran when he answered all the questions thrown to him!
He explained his answers to the audience(who were mostly of non-Muslims)with such confidence, calmness and eloquence that I have yet to see anyone have ever done in my life!
Thinking about this matter of being among the people who shares knowledge about Islam, I cannot help but feel inspired to be one of them too.
Just think of how YOU can clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions of Islam when you talk or blog or vlog and whatever it might be, to the people out there.
You know, there are still people in this world who aren't privileged to know Islam as we do.
So now that we have knowledge about it, why don't we share it to others?
If you can't still work out the thoughts as to why we should share something about Islam to others, you should really check this Youtube guy's
videos (who apparently, was one of the speakers).
Just by noticing the name of his account (
dawahaddict), you can't turn blind eyes on the fact that it directly translates to the fact that he can't stop doin' dawah to share to EVERYONE about Islam.
Confusing much?
Well to simplify it, he testified during his talk that he is obsessed with da'wah!
Man, doesn't that make you feel so inspired and and small when you think of it?
Subhanallah, he's a revert, yet he's getting all worked up to do all this stuff to bring people back to Allah's path!
I don't know. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way about this kind of stuffs (reverts doing their best to learn more about Islam and share it with others kinda-thingy).
But you know what? I truly believe that every single good deed you do here in this world, you'll get rewarded for it from Allah in the Hereafter.
Okay, I think I've been off the topic way too much.
In brief, I'm grateful to Allah for this nikmat of knowledge He's blessed to all of us. Alhamdulillah!
PROUD to be part of the
PROUD of the MSA in OSU for being able to pull this off successfully.
Truly, I feel very grateful to ALLAH for being able to get involved in the DIW by the MSA of OSU(the best MSA ever in USA! :D) .
Jazakallahu khairan kathira to all the speakers too!
May Allah bless all the souls in this world who do good deeds for the sake of pleasing Allah. :)
اللهم مقلب القلوب ثبّت قلبي على دينك
Allahumma muqallibul Qulub thabit qalbi ‘ala deenek.
“O turner of the hearts! Establish my heart upon Your religion.”
p/s: I'm gonna put up some pictures later inshaAllah.