Thursday, December 22, 2011


A person can have a lot of knowledge, but the knowledge becomes insignificant when it is only stored within the mind and/or heart.

For it is only by action, will the knowledge have meanings and have lasting impacts on the person him/herself and others.

As an example, I can memorize all the psychological theories, nutritional facts, brilliant ideas I picked up from books but, it comes down to nothing if I have no intention or any idea of how to apply them in my reality.

So often these days, people talk a lot about theories, ideas and facts without giving any ideas of how these ideas could be practical in the real life. 

Consequently, the mind zeroed out when asked to come up with realistic solutions to deal with real-life problems/situations.

Hence, the question of the self being either realistic or idealistic.

I'd say I'm the latter.

Alhamdulillah...from the talks I've listened to these past few days (ISNA-ISK), I have come to realization that I, if not all, should have the ability to transform the idea that I have in my mind to improve myself and my community in my reality (namely, columbus and malaysia) in hopes that the knowledge would not go wasted and that it would make changes in life be it small or big ones.

=> 'Ilm + 'Amal = Increased P and PC. 

So yeah...I must admit that I am still in the process of understanding and learning how to be practical right now. After all, efforts to change should begin not with others but with oneself. 

InshaAllah, may Allah bless me with His guidance along the way.

May Allah make it easy for all of us who are struggling with whatever difficulties we have in life too.

Ameen ya Rabb.

p/s: let the journey to Muktamar begins!!  :D

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thought Process

I want to write something witty or funny

But now I find myself without any.


To see the world with your magnificent Light

Is what I've been trying with all my might.


Having companions of Love by my side

I beg of You to keep us in guide.


Inilah minda saya sewaktu cuti ini.

Mungkin akan menjadi lebih indah jika minda saya lebih berkembang nanti dengan panduanNya.

Yaaaa, mungkinlah mungkin.

Teori sendiri: bakal menjadi superbly indah jika ditulis di dalam bahasa Arab juga. Ohhhoii~~~ :P

p/s: Mahu lihat video-video OSEM hasil peluh wangi orang sini? Mari-mari klik ini dan ini. :D

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Oh Allah!

Nasihat dari Kau datang bila manusia sangat sangat sangat perlukannya.

Ohhhh memang hanya Kau saja yang boleh offer the best solution at the right time.

Verily, You are the Most Perfect of all.

This world is like a drum; people marvel at its sound and crowd. In fact, the drum is hollow, has no skin, and no real interest. Happy is the man who has found the Perfume-Maker's House and whose heart has grown cold to the rat-a-tat of the drum of this world.

Oh Dunia!

Sungguh kau hanyalah tempat persinggahan untuk manusia.

Yang abadi adalah di akhirat kelak.

...this worldly life is only [temporary] enjoyment, and indeed, the Hereafter - that is the home of [permanent] settlement. (Al-Ghafir 40:39)

Hah, apa lagi yang nak dikata?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Setiap orang ada perjuangannya.

Ada yang berjuang untuk kepentingan diri sendiri, untuk orang lain, dan ada juga yang berjuang untuk melawan musuh luar yang mengancam mereka.

Moga setiap perjuangan yang diniatkan kerana Allah itu mendapat kemenangan dengan pertolongan daripada Allah.

Dan moga kita tak hanyut dalam perjuangan kita sendiri saja sampai lupa dengan perjuangan orang lain di dalam dunia ini. (peringatan paling utama untuk diri sendiri)


Good luck everyone for the finals!

حظ سعيد!

p/s: I am going to terribly miss you.