"Now Is The Month to Reap What You Sow"
Scary, isn't it?
Kinda reminds you to Yaumul Qiamah.
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
Actually, the main reason I'm here writing, is because I've just had the taste of what the Malaysian phase of tarbiyah has given me so far. Hence, I dearly think it's a fair share that I want to write a so-not-complete observations and sets of experience of how it works here :)
#1. Activism really is the real deal here. Buuuuut, it goes hand in hand with takwin!
What i meant is, there is a lot - NOPE, make that a BIG FAT LOT- of activism or programs (simply called) going on here. You don't see weekends passing by nothing.
Nuh-uh. There's a lot of discussion or seminars or health carnivals or...well, programs in general for the community. I mean, the tarbiyah phase in Malaysia is waayyyy different from what we've experienced during our school days. We're serving the community now :)
Yet, please bear in mind that it doesn't mean that the effort to nurture people (tarbiyah) & (takwin) is static...or even worse, none at all.
We must have activists, and at the same time, they are undergoing takwin process.
Imagine, we are having people in the jama'ah heavily involved with community programs. Practical after practical after another, not involving him/herself with usrah itself, in which where the process of pembentukan muslim individual takes place. Later, this could lead to formation of people who are experiencing kecairan tarbiyah. Datang bila nak, boleh kerah tenaga bila available >.<
On the other hand, imagine if we have people who are only been takwin-ed, yet not involved in any activities to the community. All theories are swirling inside the heads, yet can't be translated into practicals. Later leading on to various blobs of superduperultramega greenish thing called human who can't excrete and not understanding waqi'. Tunggu masa je ye nak explode...
#2. Usrah here, is a place of people from different backgrounds mashed up together into that one functional unit
Having said that, just gotta tell here upstraight. You're not gonna have your previous usrahmate with you in the same usrah. Ever.
Well, maybe except for usrah kabilah. But, definitely NO. The usrah kabilah sorts the people according to cities (daerah) too.
And this, my God, this is the most awkwardest thing ever for me. You know, having to muster up courage again to start from scratch again. Painstakingly hard for a social awkward like me ~.~ Membina sejarah tarbiyah yang baru bersama orang baru
And of course..., meeting new faces meant you've got learn their names, their sejarah tarbiyah, themselves personally. More salamatus sadr and moreeeee :)
Pss...guess what, you're gonna meet people who are younger/older than you in the same liqa' so that means something...hehe
#3. It can be fast or slow
What's that this thing I'm referring to ?
Tahap kelajuan anda disusun dalam usrah
(How do you translate this to English is beyond my capacity. Please, help me)
So yea, depending on where you're from in Malaysia or where you're settling down is going to affect it. Whether you like it or not.
From my experience, my lovely city, Alor Setar is still ketandusan..hence, I wasn't in any usrah for 2 months straight. This is da craziest moment evaaaa, but that passed so ALHAMDULILLAH :)
(The secret is to maintain your contact with Allah, family members' support, akhawat fighting with you in TnD, and uhh just go buat muka tak malu pergi menapak turun KL selalu)
Yet, when I got to Seremban, I was thrown into one straightaway BAM ! ALHAMDULILLAH :)
In actuality, everything happened truly is with God's will, but please, just please don't be off the radar too soon.
Just because you don't get sorted into usrah fast, doesn't mean you can't bergerak 'aight? Usrah is just a wasilah tarbiyah to da'wah, but if you get your source to bergerak -and move around like cheetah- from Al-Qawiy, you're gonna do your da'wah part anyway even you've yet to be sorted into any usrah.
Kita bergerak bukan atas dasar usrah. Tapi kerana Allah memuliakan kita dengan tugas ini, lalu kita harus bergerak walau apa sekalipun.
Got that?
#4. A woman can be DA BOMB, but man makes it awesome-r to another level altogether
A valuable experience I learned from dear ukht -who I miss so much right now- while working with her in a program recently. She's just amazing ! SubhanaLlah she's too amazing for me !!
She's a medical officer. Already married. A wife. A mother to two active kids. Actively involved with TnD. Is currently handling 2 usrah (I don't know if she still has more). Gives tazkirah every Friday to school students. Worked on a program as the program coordinator. Monitor, and keep tab of the AJKs progress. Keep the internal and external communication smooth. Walked to and here fro to meet people of all sorts.
I've seen her's like Khadijah of this time! But, she couldn't have done this without her zauj. I know that :)
She could've instructed to the akhawat to do this do that, but her zauj helps her with the ikhwah. She can't just boss them around, because let's just face it, not all men can help listening to woman giving instructions to them.
And from the surrounding, I've come to understand that women can do so much, but then it's up to the men to give authority to that. Especially, in a household.
Oh, what's the point of me sharing this last point? Just wanna let us (yes us, the unmarried ones) all know that, it is of great importance to marry someone with the same fikrah as yours. Cuz it's gonna affect all your future decisions you guys gonna make in life together...later :)
AND, may Allah keep us on this path till the end of our life.
Aku juga dalam diam mengharapkan aku menjadi seperti ukhti yang aku sayangi di atas someday. Kuat dan gagah di jalan dakwah dan tarbiyah walau dihimpit pelbagai ujian dunia.
With that, I end my post today. Hoping to write more, but I guess it's already a-too windy long post.
Aqulu qauli haza wastaghfiruLlahal adzim li walakum
Alhamdulillah, may Allah make it beneficial to others...ameen.
Ma'assalamah wa ilalliqo' <3
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
Actually, the main reason I'm here writing, is because I've just had the taste of what the Malaysian phase of tarbiyah has given me so far. Hence, I dearly think it's a fair share that I want to write a so-not-complete observations and sets of experience of how it works here :)
#1. Activism really is the real deal here. Buuuuut, it goes hand in hand with takwin!
What i meant is, there is a lot - NOPE, make that a BIG FAT LOT- of activism or programs (simply called) going on here. You don't see weekends passing by nothing.
Nuh-uh. There's a lot of discussion or seminars or health carnivals or...well, programs in general for the community. I mean, the tarbiyah phase in Malaysia is waayyyy different from what we've experienced during our school days. We're serving the community now :)
Yet, please bear in mind that it doesn't mean that the effort to nurture people (tarbiyah) & (takwin) is static...or even worse, none at all.
We must have activists, and at the same time, they are undergoing takwin process.
Imagine, we are having people in the jama'ah heavily involved with community programs. Practical after practical after another, not involving him/herself with usrah itself, in which where the process of pembentukan muslim individual takes place. Later, this could lead to formation of people who are experiencing kecairan tarbiyah. Datang bila nak, boleh kerah tenaga bila available >.<
On the other hand, imagine if we have people who are only been takwin-ed, yet not involved in any activities to the community. All theories are swirling inside the heads, yet can't be translated into practicals. Later leading on to various blobs of superduperultramega greenish thing called human who can't excrete and not understanding waqi'. Tunggu masa je ye nak explode...
#2. Usrah here, is a place of people from different backgrounds mashed up together into that one functional unit
Having said that, just gotta tell here upstraight. You're not gonna have your previous usrahmate with you in the same usrah. Ever.
Well, maybe except for usrah kabilah. But, definitely NO. The usrah kabilah sorts the people according to cities (daerah) too.
And this, my God, this is the most awkwardest thing ever for me. You know, having to muster up courage again to start from scratch again. Painstakingly hard for a social awkward like me ~.~ Membina sejarah tarbiyah yang baru bersama orang baru
And of course..., meeting new faces meant you've got learn their names, their sejarah tarbiyah, themselves personally. More salamatus sadr and moreeeee :)
Pss...guess what, you're gonna meet people who are younger/older than you in the same liqa' so that means something...hehe
#3. It can be fast or slow
What's that this thing I'm referring to ?
Tahap kelajuan anda disusun dalam usrah
(How do you translate this to English is beyond my capacity. Please, help me)
So yea, depending on where you're from in Malaysia or where you're settling down is going to affect it. Whether you like it or not.
From my experience, my lovely city, Alor Setar is still ketandusan..hence, I wasn't in any usrah for 2 months straight. This is da craziest moment evaaaa, but that passed so ALHAMDULILLAH :)
(The secret is to maintain your contact with Allah, family members' support, akhawat fighting with you in TnD, and uhh just go buat muka tak malu pergi menapak turun KL selalu)
Yet, when I got to Seremban, I was thrown into one straightaway BAM ! ALHAMDULILLAH :)
In actuality, everything happened truly is with God's will, but please, just please don't be off the radar too soon.
Just because you don't get sorted into usrah fast, doesn't mean you can't bergerak 'aight? Usrah is just a wasilah tarbiyah to da'wah, but if you get your source to bergerak -and move around like cheetah- from Al-Qawiy, you're gonna do your da'wah part anyway even you've yet to be sorted into any usrah.
Kita bergerak bukan atas dasar usrah. Tapi kerana Allah memuliakan kita dengan tugas ini, lalu kita harus bergerak walau apa sekalipun.
Got that?
#4. A woman can be DA BOMB, but man makes it awesome-r to another level altogether
A valuable experience I learned from dear ukht -who I miss so much right now- while working with her in a program recently. She's just amazing ! SubhanaLlah she's too amazing for me !!
She's a medical officer. Already married. A wife. A mother to two active kids. Actively involved with TnD. Is currently handling 2 usrah (I don't know if she still has more). Gives tazkirah every Friday to school students. Worked on a program as the program coordinator. Monitor, and keep tab of the AJKs progress. Keep the internal and external communication smooth. Walked to and here fro to meet people of all sorts.
I've seen her's like Khadijah of this time! But, she couldn't have done this without her zauj. I know that :)
She could've instructed to the akhawat to do this do that, but her zauj helps her with the ikhwah. She can't just boss them around, because let's just face it, not all men can help listening to woman giving instructions to them.
And from the surrounding, I've come to understand that women can do so much, but then it's up to the men to give authority to that. Especially, in a household.
الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللَّـهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ
Oh, what's the point of me sharing this last point? Just wanna let us (yes us, the unmarried ones) all know that, it is of great importance to marry someone with the same fikrah as yours. Cuz it's gonna affect all your future decisions you guys gonna make in life together...later :)
AND, may Allah keep us on this path till the end of our life.
Aku juga dalam diam mengharapkan aku menjadi seperti ukhti yang aku sayangi di atas someday. Kuat dan gagah di jalan dakwah dan tarbiyah walau dihimpit pelbagai ujian dunia.
With that, I end my post today. Hoping to write more, but I guess it's already a-too windy long post.
Aqulu qauli haza wastaghfiruLlahal adzim li walakum
Alhamdulillah, may Allah make it beneficial to others...ameen.
Ma'assalamah wa ilalliqo' <3