Friday, May 22, 2015

Getaway PD


In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficient

I've had a weekend getaway with highschool (clique) friends last week. It was planned, 10 years ago...when we were 15.

When I met them back, it felt all too surreal...and awkward.

I know this is getting somewhat journal kind of thing, but bear with me.

Truth is, I've never been especially good at reconnecting with people I used to know (except for the INTIANs, and special sisters who stay together regardless). Given a period of time, things get frighteningly awkward...and I just lose the friendliness altogether. Honestly, ideally I would still want to keep the memories and stay friendly, but realistically it didn't just happen the way I imagined it.

Digression aside...there's a lot of catching up done with said high school friends. And you know what, I was and still am terribly surprised to know what each of us has gone through to become who we are today.

At 25, some has gone through the test of betrayal, backstabbing, depression, heartache/heartbroken, loss of parents et cetera.

When listening to their stories, I felt like the biggest jerk because I have never ever understood their struggles and it felt so painful to listen to their recounted experiences. One friend almost broke down recounting hers, but all of us listened intently.

Because we have never heard about it so openly told before. 'Cause we thought she was so tough. And strong. How could a person so strong break? Yet, that night she looked so vulnerable, and I could tell that she finally felt better telling us about it.

The depth of each of the test was unthinkable...that I felt it is almost impossible that my friends, yes, them have grown so much from those tests.

It makes me keep thinking, that Allah tested each and everyone of us so that it provides us chances to be more patient, more resilient, more forbearance, and most importantly to be a stronger individual.

I learnt too that you gotta be strong for your own sake. People don't give a dang about you, because they are just more self-conscious about themselves and they're busy battling their tests too.

You just gotta be strong.

And keep moving forward.

Look ahead of the difficulties, and see what lies beyond the trials.

Go on, be vulnerable. Constructively wallow. Thread through all the pains. Allow yourself to grow through those painful emotions.

'Cause you know what?

At the end of the rainy days, you gonna be a better fighter of your own.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

HodgePodge II

Manusia dilahirkan di atas muka bumi ini dengan dua tujuan iaitu menjadi HAMBA kepada Allah, seperti dinyatakan di dalam Al-Quran "Dan tidak Aku jadikan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mengabdikan diri kepadaKu," (Surah Az-Zariat :Ayat 56) dan juga menjadi KHALIFAH di atas muka bumi seperti dinyatakan di dalam Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayat 30.

Ini menunjukkan hubungan Vertikal dan Horizontal dalam diri manusia, iaitu hubungan di antara manusia dengan Pencipta dan hubungan di antara manusia dengan makhluk yang lainnya.

Hubungan ini bukanlah hubungan yang sia-sia. Ia dilengkapi dengan tanggungjawab yang perlu dipenuhi.

Sumber : FB Khalifah Method

Sometimes, you just lost yourself delving to contextualize life. Your purpose of life. The meaning of eeman et cetera

Isn't it funny to think, that it's been there all along. You just need to be reminded about it, time and time again.

Sometimes people talk about big things, yet they forgot that all of us crave to finding and understanding the basic truth...the foundation of aqidah/tauhid. Our tunjang.

Knowing more about our Creator and loving Him, the haqiqatul ibadah, the sweetness of eeman...

Para pencari kebenaran, yes, these are all what we look forward to.

The morning and evening adzkar, the recitation of the Kalamullah, the act of praying to your Lord.

Things that make us cry in remembrance of God. Like when you pray to your Lord, and start reciting the Fatihah and you feel deeply connected with Allah. Especiallly when it comes to,
"Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in,
Ihdina as-siraat al-mustaqeem"

With the understanding that we bow in submission subserviently to Him, and to Allah we ask of help. No one else but Him.

And what is it that we're asking Allah ? It is His guidance, His light, the nur ilahi. That will ensure us finding and staying on the path to Him.

Because, what is life without it ?

How long have we been depraving our soul of the sweetness of being guided in Allah's light ?

How long have we been working on to know Allah better ? The meaning of His 99 names, His 20 sifat and contemplating and realizing that He is indeed very near to us, every single day ?

I just miss talking about God. I just miss in-depth tafseer or tadabbur of the Quran being done in circles. Going verse by verse, slowly revealing the mystery and connections behind those glorious spoken words by God.

What is a circle without in-depth tafseer ? Because it feels incomplete, almost out of character.


"Begitu ramai mencari makna iman, namun terlalu ramai yg tergesa-gesa sama ada terlalu memaknainya secara emosional atau empiris.

Manusia mencari kebenaran dalam falsafah Barat atau Islami, dalam kitab ilmu tauhid,tafsir,hadith dan kalam, dalam membaca dan fana puisi sufi, dalam mendalami fiqh (apapun) secara empiris.
Ada juga mencarinya dalam amal, sehingga semakin banyak tahajudnya, hafazannya, kebun dakwahnya, makalah karangannya, khidmat masyarakatnya, pengorbanannya sudah rasa cukup imannya. 

Oleh sebab itu, penting sekali kita merenung kalimat Muadz bin Jabbal (duduklah bersamaku, dan mari beriman sejenak) adalah ingatan yang iman kita ini adalah tatapan Tuhan kita.

Setiap masa penting untuk meniliti pengaruh iman atas kehidupan khusus output iman adalah adab/akhlaq. Sentiasa kita ini hamba, sentiasa kita tidak tahu nasib kita di hujung sana, sentiasa mencari dan berdoa utk petunjuk (tawfiq). Setiap masa.

Kerana kita ini pada tatapan Tuhan bagaimana? Kalam yg indah belum tentu refleksi iman yg tinggi."