Monday, January 11, 2010

The Silent Attack (Part 1)


1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
2. The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
3. The God (or judge) of Mankind,-
4. From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),-
5. (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
6. Among Jinns and among men.                   (An-Nas 114: 1-6)

Questions :

1. Who are Jinns that are stated in verse 6?
2. Why men are included as those who whisper evil in humans as well?
3. What methods/techniques do they use to attack us?


    If we look at the translation of the Quran in Malay, it translates the word Jinns as Shaitans(Iblis). Since we're born, we are told of how bad Iblis are, how they like people doing sins and their non-stop efforts to keep us away from ALLAH.
    Verily, Allah has warned us so many times about them. Yet, many of us do not realize of this. We let Iblis to put ourselves in troubles and we listen to them more than we listen to Allah. Evidently, Iblis are our biggest enemy. But, why do we still keep falling in their traps and thus, constantly doing sins? do we ensure ourselves to not to be swayed by them?Logically speaking, we must know well of our enemies if we want to be safe from them. So, here are some informations that I have about them.

  the not-so-accurate impression of a devil's true nature

Their main objective :
To make sure that humans get astray from the right path.

He said: "Because thou hast thrown me out of the way, lo! I will lie in wait for them on thy straight way.   (Al- A'raf 7:16)

Their modus operandi :
1. Ambush

   Humans tend to be lulled with the illusions in this world. They spend their time to think and chase hungrily for more money,power,entertainment etc. When we think more of these, we tend to get lost in connection with Allah. That's when Iblis ambush us because they know that we're no longer in Allah's protection for we are distant from Him.They'll laugh evilly when we have fallen in their traps.
    Here's a video for an example.

" *evil laughs* Yes, I did it!!I have successfully strayed this human.Hah!I thought it's going to be hard, but it's kacanglah.Can't wait to tell this to my friends." And, when he told of his success to his fellow friends, they'll laugh their hearts out and they'll start rejoicing his success with whatever celebration that they have ....Well, that's how I picture it.   

To be continued...                                                  


Anonymous said...

salam nadiah,
kau xbg tau pun kau ada blog!
haha nasib baik aku jumpaaaaa
bes laahh blog kau.waaaaaayyy better than mine.haha :D

nadiah said...


Minta maaf banyak2.
Ak x berniat xmau bgtau.
Ak cuma nak encourage lebih ramai org utk lebih bersemangat utk jadi stalker ja...XD

Apa-apapun, thanks for the compliment!

p/s: nak link baru blog kau?