Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shall We?

I can see you there,in the dark tunnel.
Standing still, with rivulets of water streaming down your face.

Hey friend, there's Light at the end of the tunnel, you know?
I can see it from here!

I ran towards you and stopped.
Would you let me grasp your hands and guide you to the Light?

I would want to run to the Light with you, if you don't mind.
We can run(or walk,if you prefer walking) together, side by side.

I want to be 佐伯 or 赤城 or even, PW to you.
For I can save you from the darkness if I had their talents.

To become them is an illusion, I know.
But, fear not my friend, for His help is the one that shall help me to save you.

So, if you would just let me, shall I put an end to the darkness surrounding you?
And shall we go and run towards the Light together?
I still don't understand the meaning of friendship. Really, I don't.
It's not like I don't have friends, mind you. It's just that I wonder does the word friendship is defined by society? Or ourselves? 

How do you define friendship? Does talking to each other for hours make you friends? Does eating together makes you friends? Does praising each other makes you friends? Does giving advices and consolations makes you friends? Does wishing people birthday wishes and giving them presents make you friends? Does acknowledging a person in your blog makes you friend?

And, why do you befriend with a person? Is it because of her beauty, intelligence, wealth or because she cooks sardine for you?

Ha! I don't know.But, one thing for sure. Befriending a person because of ALLAH is the best explanation,by far, to me as to why do you become friends with others. 

You enjoy spending time with them because you know that they are able to guide and walk with you on the right path. Inshallah, you'll not lose your way.

" The best of friend is when looking at his/her face, you'll remember Allah,
listening to his/her words, you'll gain knowledge
and, seeing his/her behavior, you'll remember death."

I want to be a friend just like that to my friends!Don't you?
Inshallah, kalau nak, mesti boleh punya lah.

Reminder to myself!

5. So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:
6. Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
                                                                         (Al-Sharh 94: 5-6)

Random notes: 
1) Hadi& Awa read 'okok' as o-kok.*LOL*
2) I am like 若王子 先生 when it comes to this.
3) I really really really miss the time when we learn Japanese on our own, you know.
4) I want to write the Hiragana and Katakana letters on the blackboard like we used to.
5) I miss it too when we guessed what we wrote on the board.
6) And, I miss the time when we spoke to each other in broken Japanese.Yes, I do. 


Daie-In-Action said...

brsahabat kerana harta..we're nothing
brsahabat kerana rupa..we're nothing
brsahabat kerana pangkat..we're nothing
tp, kalau brsahabat kerana Allah..we're evrything!!

sbb org yg brsahabat kerana Allah akn mmbimbing sahabatnye ke jalanNYA.. =)

gReeN iS pEAce said...

dah nak berpisah.,.
dah xde lagi akak usrah yang nak bincang2 ngan kite..
dah xde lagi orang nak belikan tjet balik kedah..T.T

rase nak nanges..

harap2 blog ni dapat hubungkan ikatan kita..
walau jauh mana pun..
gonna miss u sis..T.T

nadiah said...

>>> Ain

Betul tu Ain.
InsyaAllah, bila kita berkawan kerana ALLAH, kita takkan tersesat daripada jalanNya.

>>> Ana

Hehe...Jangan sedih Ana.
Ada lagi 2 bulan,kan?

InsyaAllah, ikatan yang kita ada takkan hilang walau kat mana pon kita berada.
Yep, I'm going miss you too!

I'll miss the time when we played netball.That's for sure, you know...=)

gReeN iS pEAce said...

berlari2 macam anak kecil..
suke2..suke time men netball tu..
hilang tensi..
sakit2 badan..