Seeing one by one of you, leaving the block, I can't help but feel sad. It's been 2 years in INTI. 2 years that passes by real quick.
Amirah, Auzy, Amiratul Nadiah, Azimah, Ara(Farah),Amalina-san, Alya, Aim, Humaira, 'Izzah, Liya, Latifah, Hidayah-san, Hanisah, Kak Dayah, Nabilah,Norlida, Sabrina, Shishira, Sook Yee, Syafa, Tini and others.
I've become accustomed to your faces. Those faces, that I've never ever seen before. Faces that come from different parts of Malaysia. Never would I have thought that I'd have you guys as my friends. And, I'm grateful to Allah for your presence in my life, since the day I entered INTI till now and inshallah, until the end of my life.
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah...=)
"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). " (Al-Hujurat :13)
Thank you for reaching out for me, for the hands that you extend towards me so that we can hold one another. Thank you so much for your patience in dealing with my childish behaviors, and for your sincerity in befriending with me. Thank you for being the LIGHTS in my life. Most important of all, thanks for your ukhuwah, I'm beginning to see the world in a better glasses now. I'm sorry for my awkwardness, my lack of response and the weird frown that I've given to anyone of you. I'm very sorry for any harsh word that I lashed out from my mouth to you, and any of my actions that offended you.
To my adik-adik, thank you for the experience, and for giving me the taste of the sweetness of ukhuwah. Alhamdulillah, all praises due to Allah.
I'm always in lack of words when talking with you guys(that's me being awkward), and I know that I have yet to share all the knowledge that I gain from Allah. I apologize for that, I really do. Inshallah, we'll see each other sometime soon.
All in all, wishing all the best for us in dunya and akhirah.May Allah continuously guide us in His path...=). Till we meet again, goodbye to all.
Ya Allah Engkau mengetahui bahawa..
hati-hati ini telah berkumpul kerana mengasihi Mu
Bertemu untuk mematuhi perintah Mu
Bersatu memikul beban dakwah Mu
Hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia..
untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syariatMu
Maka eratkan lah ya Allah akan ikatannya
Kekalkan kemesraan antara hati-hati ini
Tunjukkanlah kepada hati-hati ini..
akan jalannya yang sebenar
Penuhkanlah piala hati ini..
dengan limpahan iman, keyakinan dan keindahan tawakkal kepada Mu
Hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini..
Jika Engkau mentakdirkan matiMaka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini..
sebagai para syuhada' dlm perjuangan agama Mu

dan sebaik-baik penolong ya Allah
Perkenankanlah permintaan iniAmin ya rabbal A'alamin..
thank you k.nadiah 4 every single thing..
may ALLAH bless u n all my beloved sis :)
illa liqa', ma'a salamah :D
sweet sweet
thank you korang.. :)
nice..doa rabitah..ameen~
bye bye nadiaaah :'(
sorry for everything.
bai bai
jaga diri ye..
Ameen..may Allah bless us all.
Glad to meet you, Syahida. I'll always remember how I met you..=)
Thanks to you too.. :)
Hoho...hampa pon sweet sangat.
Yep, nice indeed. Ameen.
Thank you and sorry too,'Izzah.
Btw,I do really like reading your blog very much. Thanks for all your words there, it makes me realize so many things. Thank you again, 'Izzah.
>>> Ica a.k.a Hanisah Zaki :P
Bubbye, jaga diri&iman jugak ya! Wishing all the best to u guys...=)
Tima kasih, ketua chef, utk soto haritu. Akak akan ingat sampai bila-bila.
nadiah!!!! nice post!! thanks for everything, friend!! hope to see u again..i'm gonna miss u nadiah!!!! ;(
>>>capa comei
syafa!! i'm missing you already!
aiyaaa...nak makan samasama dekat inti lah. asyik teringat nasi goreng kampung.
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