Monday, August 23, 2010



ALERTALERT: Major spoilersramblings lie ahead! Please don't read this post.

You see, I've been saying/wishing goodbyes for the past few weeks, hours, minutes and seconds. O-kay, maybe not minutes and seconds.

1. To Friends.
Most of my friends are already at the States now, leaving the Ohioans(or Buckeyes-as Sabrina puts it) behind. Alhamdulillah, they're doing fine there. They're all over the place, Ames, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York. Well, you get the idea.

I guess I'll get to say "Hellloooo" to them in 2 weeks time. May Allah ease our journey.NO IKEA at 43210?? :'(

2. To old SE
Soaked in the water. Enough said. Got a new SE and I won't buy another phone once I get there.(Should I buy a new expensive phone, you can call me and scold me for good. Deal? )

3. To Braces 
Just a few hours ago, I went to the dentist. And that's how I get to say バイバイ to it.  Retainer's not ready yet. So yep, no plastic on the teeth.I'VE GOT A NEW SETS OF TEETH! :D K.ngah, you hafta wait to see my new teeth! Mwahaha.

4. To myself
Okay...this shall wait.

Have a good Ramadhan, dear friends. I'm sure I do.=)


Anonymous said...

hai nadiah..

goodbye nadiah..


nurhafizoh said...


Sabrina said...

they don't call us 'ohioans'
we're all called 'bucks'

nadiah said...


Hai Shira. :)
Baibai Shira.....NOT. :P


Haha...sabar sabar. Your turn will come soon! :D


Hehe...noted. Thank you, Sab. =)