How do you advise people?Or to be exact,your peers?.
Do you know how hard it is to do so but then of course,it's not impossible,right?
Well,well,well...that's what I've been asking myself all this time.I admit that I have a hard time to advise or confront people when there's problem.Especially on coughlovecough.Blame it on my lack of social experience.
It especially gets reeaaaallly awkward if someone were to ask my opinion on the topic of love.I mean,the 'love' which equals to the quest of finding your soulmate.Uh,I don't have a clue on that.Truly,I don't feel the need of having and longing to find your soulmate every now and then.Allah s.w.t has promised us on that,right?So,what's with the rush?

Back to my main question.How to say it out loud--I mean,how to advise or to bring an understanding of this kind of love to my peers?It always have been a problem to me.I really don't know how to make them understand because I don't understand their version of 'love' either.Of course,unless if they are reading my blog.
Agagaga...anyone??I need your opinions or thoughts on this matter.Jeez,I feel kind of ashamed and stupid for asking this kind of question.*rubs the back of head*
But,if I do not ask now,I doubt that I'll ever understand and know how to tackle this kind of problem.
p/s : the unconscious mind has taken over me while I'm writing/typing the post.and NO,I'm not interested in any other kind of love except for the love for my Creator,parents,family and friends...=)
u know, to say it loud, u need to have the strongest and toughest courage bcoz u need to counter the is so hard..
people have so many excuses and reasons to defend those kind of relationship..
for example,
"rasa cinta tu kan fitrah manusia"
"ktorg cinta islamik, saling mengingatkan"
what the..
i can teach u a lot bout this nadiah..
u can pass to me those people yang tanya u pasal love tu..
yeah,talk about societal norms.
those who does not conform with the norms are considered as deviants.
oh well,i'm one of them.
it is indeed true that we,as humans are born with the instinct to have mates.but then,that doesn't allow you to officially declare 'coupling' as something normal.
it's NOT is not.
yes,hopefully you'll be able to make me understand.please tell me about it bcoz I'm at total loss with this so-called coughlovecough.
i want to be able to confront them,to know what do they like so much from this 'love'.
i really really want to.
lol.. *me got stabbed XDD
ahahaa..i'm just askin 4 fun la nadiah san, i'm not really meant it..
i don't think love as important matter 4 me rite now too...& i don't hv one either..i'm just jokin around wit u_when i don't hv any idea what to talk, mulalah saya melalut sana sini..gomenasai...klu bwat kmu berfikir panjang... XDDD
no,no,no hidayah-san..
this has got nothing to do with your jokes.
i am really clueless about the 'love'.
so,it is not your fault or anything,okay??
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