Sunday, May 9, 2010


is lurking from every corner, every now and then.
I truly need to get as much as Light as possible, so I would not be consumed by the darkness.

助けてください(that means, help),friends!

I don't know if I'm doing this right. Yes, I need reminders. Thank you... :)
Just now, alhamdulillah, I get to read Deep Thinking.
And, it makes me think a lot.

"Allah tests us with everything we do and we think about in the life of this world. Therefore, if we meet a difficulty in anything that we do or think that things do not proceed on the right track, we should never forget that all these events are set against us to set our conduct."

Truly, everyone are tested according to their weaknesses. When I type weaknesses here, I'm referring to what we are attached to. You know, someone can be attached to his wealth and another one can be emotionally attached with his loved ones and others can be attached to watching football, or listening to musics or playing games. Well, you name it. I'm attached to something too, so that's where Allah's going to test me.

I just need to remember that as a Muslim, I'm privileged to pray directly to Allah and as much as I want to Him, seeking His help if I am determined to overcome His tests. That privilege pretty much makes me feel more confident and optimistic that I can overcome this! Yes, I can...Inshallah.

I try not to like to be awkward =和歌王子先生 or こもり-くん...

p/s : Amalina-san, I've always liked your post on socially awkward people. A simple statement, yet so true.


Tini Gishamsuddin said...

go nadia go!

nadiah said...


Yosha yosh! Go we go!