I remembered that someone asked me to write two posts in a day!
Been busy taking care of the niece ====> no going out of the house, except for doing med checkup, passport and whatnot. I wonder why do I have to be nanny each time I'm on semester break. Maybe it's because ALLAH wants to teach me to be more sabr, eh?
The need to conform is far greater than to transform. Well, that's what I think of myself. I do really want to transform after absorbing the knowledge. Most of the time, I'm halfway through the process of transforming, and suddenly it just stop! Very few time did I only get to make full transformation. Any tips to increase the chances of transforming successfully?
In the last UO, we talked of husnuzon. Husnuzon basically means, to have good thoughts upon others.From our discussion, I can conclude that we, need to be(?) husnuzon in all things(or rather, actions) except for those that are clearly against the syariat in Islam.
4. Ja'far Abu Talib
I'm moved to tears whenever I read and listen to his answers to King Negus when he led the Muslims to Abbyssinia(Habsyah). Most probably because of the way he answered the question about Prophet Isa a.s by quoting verses from Quran.And, he recited the verses with such a strong belief! Subhanallah! Truly truly inspiring... :). Deep in my heart, I am hoping to get such strong faith that Muslims before me have had about Islam. Please read up about him. Or, it'd be waaay better if you watch a film, titled Rasulullah to listen to the beautiful verses that he recited from Surah Maryam in Arabic...:D
P/S: Tiada kredit untuk membalas sebarang mesej. Harap maaf.
w00t! two posts in a day! keep it up!!!!
heh. :D
Amalina, if you ever had the chance to go to any bookstore selling Harun Yahya's books, go and buy Deep Thinking. Memang syioklah baca.
:D :D
^__^ hai kak nadiah
^__^ hai dayu ribena.
rindu kamu semua dekat INTI.
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