Friday, May 24, 2013


Truth is,

our experience being tarbiyah-ed (if there's such a word) here is never the same as before in Malaysia.

And of course,

it is expected that our medan amal would be so much different in our home country :)

Satu benda saja la nak share daripada apa yang saya dapat daripada salah seorang shuyukh (sheikh-sheikh) yang sempat jumpa sat ja haritu,

"Bila balik nanti, tak boleh nak expect la terus ada usrah, ada medan amal. Kita yang kena lebih usaha cari peluang, tak perlu tunggu orang nak cari kita baru kita nak bergerak. Takperlu nak tunggu orang call untuk usrah, takperlu tunggu nak berintima' baru nak bergerak. Instead apa kata kita sendiri cuba cari usaha untuk initiate sesuatu ?"

(paraphrase banyak ni sebab tak ingat exactly huhu)

Kalau fikir logik, memang macam tu pun kan dalam dunia ni ?

Contohnya, lepas dah grad, expect balik Malaysia terus dapat kerja. Err...takdapat la kot eh kalau kita sendiri yang takda usaha langsung juga.

Well, unless you're a doctor, I'd say you'd have a placement right away, ey ?

Nak katanya jugak kalau kita sendiri takmau push diri sendiri untuk bergerak cari peluang, don't expect people to keep pushing you to bergerak.

Allah will be our biggest penggerak here, ain't that right? Well, He has always been the One who is motivating us to bergerak in this path at the first place.

Oh well,  I just gotta have the biggest preparation to deal with the reality.

ONE WEEK to go !

The final jaulah I've had with few sisters in USA :)

Such a great moment of tarbiyah indeed !


Alhamdulillah :)

Anticipating the next phase of DnT~!

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