Speechless when makcik A came to visit last Thursday.
And, seriously terharu. (Sebab I had the nerve to be such a jerk on that day)
She is literally the walking existence of this ayah:
(Al Fussilat 41:34)
And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.
For that, thankyou Allah for this friendship. It's hard to find people who can see goodness in others and be kind like her these days...
Lainnya kan, orang yang ditarbiyah. Like, seriously these makciks are rocking the world (dakwah & tarbiyah style) !
On the side note, every single human soul in this world is good because that's just their fitra, aight ?
What makes its more wonderful is that when the soul undergoes tarbiyah, the goodness shine even brighter subhanaLlah. Allah is the Greatest !
I've been thinking a lot these days about the system. Manipulating every single neuron in my mind to translate the ideas into actions.
How do, we want to tarbiyah or takwin people if they're still struggling with their own troubles ?
Dear ukht shared with me, that in order to do so, you gotta solve the problem they're having first.
Contohla kan (eh terbahasa pulak), saudara terdekat kita ini seorang yang dibelenggu dengan kemiskinan. Katakan kita nak terus ajak masuk usrah, rasa-rasa nak ke idok dia join kita ? Like, seriously, in all honesty, please answer that from the bottom of your heart.
Oleh itu, kerja harus berstrategi ster !
And one more thing I learnt recently, you are not targeting everybody to join usrah (no, i'm not saying don't do that), but what I really meant is that, in actuality the purpose of doing dakwah fardiyah to our circles of influence is to try at least having them support your ideas. Dalam bahasa melayunya, menyokong fikrah kita :)
Contoh kata, kalau kita nak pergi usrah, mak ayah kita pun dah boleh terima, tidak menghalang sekeras-kerasnya. Ataupun rakan-rakan sekerja boleh menerima sekiranya kita bicara tentang islam bersama mereka.
Alhamdulillah, itu sahaja...Janganlah kita menjadi terlalu idealis untuk terlalu menginginkan mereka menjadi seperti ibu bapa ikhwah akhawat hasil BM ya. Eh, tapi tak kata impossible pun atau salah kalau kita nak mengusrahkan mak ayah kita, cumanya mungkin agak mencabar sikitlah ya. Personally, fikir saya, punya abah emak yang punya mentaliti islami itu yang lebih penting pertama-tamanya. Sebab fikrah islamiyah tu yang penting...
Lagi satu, tambahan untuk point bagi mereka yang dalam proses mentakwin, ingin sekali saya nasihatkan agar jangan terburu-buru. Jangan terburu-buru melabel anak usrah 'fail' sekiranya mereka sepertinya masih tarik tali ataupun terlalu mengikut telunjuk (baca: dependent) setelah dua tahun lebih mengikuti usrah.
Kalau yang baru dua sem ikut usrah tu lagi la kan...jangan dok expect tinggi sangat kat dia, nanti boleh jadi kes memetik buah sebelum masak pula. Kalau nak takwin dia untuk menderu dalam masa setahun tu, kena set mind & mu'ayashah lebihlah (tak kata pun tak possible hehe)
Hello, kita sendiri dulu pun lepas 4 tahun berusrah, mungkin waktu itu baru punya kesedaran nak menyampaikan...(Wahh, macam kes saya, dapat SH tak rasa apapun wahaha -___-)
Tolonglah jangan sesekali give up dengan mad'u. Sedih kowt kalau tetiba kita hilang permata-permata yang dah disentuh ni. Take good care of them, jaga ukhuwah like any good human being would do :) Give them a lot of chances to shine their way, okay ?
Kerna selepas itu, pasti ! Kita pasti akan mengimbau kembali saat-saat kita membuat keputusan sepanjang dalam DnT. (Ni semua cakap dari pengalaman)
'Ala kulli haal, I've made my mind that I want to utilize this strength that I have, which is writing... for the betterment of the ummah. And so, I want to keep writing blog post as long as I can.
Not that there's a lot of readers out there anymore, but ya know what, we can never stop doing amar makruf & nahi mungkar till the day we die.
Who knows, this might be the only platform I ever had to gain pahala while my life is ticking away closer to death, every single second.
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