That's really what I should say every single day. I shouldn't forget to remember Allah everyday in my life. We,muslims always take for granted the things that we have in life and that includes me. You see, I didn't really understand WELL when 'islam' is said to be the best of all things that Allah's given to us. I just know that it's simply the best gift from our Creator but I never knew the real meaning behind it.
One event caused a huge impact on me(i shall not disclose it here,though), which made me really think what it really means to be a 'muslim'..alhamdulillah. Seriously I'm telling you, we never really think about Allah's helps in our life which is like all the time,24/7,every single minutes,seconds and till now(yeah,i mean now!). I used to feel inferior to others before, feel really useless and keeps asking wat's the point of me living in this world? Really!!Do I have any role at all?
And, alhamdulillah...I'm really gratefull for I've been given the understanding by Allah through his messengers. Thank you so much!!I'm moved to tears whenever I started to think back wat I've been doing for the past years. Subhanallah, You're simply amazing, Ya Allah!! Anyhow, as we know, our 'iman' increase and decrease...Well, truthfully, few weeks after sem 3 started, I'm kinda back to my 'old' self again. I know that I'm doing wrong things, but I keep doing it. The most amazing part was that I can feel that my soul do not like what I'm doing(seriously speaking, I really can feel it). I tried to search for help but you know.... I'm never good in expressing my feelings to others so yeah, I keep doing the wrongdoings.Astaghfirullah...
To cut it short, Allah saved me again through the ummahfilms vids. When I watch the video, it really made me laugh out loud(LOL) but most importantly,it makes me think about You, Ya Allah. It REALLY makes me think of You all the time.
I'm really 10000000000x thankful to You. It's an indescribable feeling. You made me realize so much, I mean real much! How ungrateful I am to you..I only think about you whenever I perform my obligatory acts. I'm ashamed of myself...If it were not through your messages, I'd be lost.....lost from You. Alhamdulillah, praise be upon You for You're helping me throughout my life.I wish to be better and better and to strengthen myself for the future that I've yet to encounter with Your guidance...insyaAllah.
p/s : this post is meant to be a reminder for myself and others...insyaAllah.
finals are coming...huhu. Better start revising now...
finals are coming...huhu. Better start revising now...