Aah,finally...I've been able to create my own blog. I wish to create a blog for such a long time, yet I fail to find a reason to do so until now.Don't ask me why, eh?
I want to have a blog of my own to share my knowledge, experiences and to learn from others as well.Hopefully, it'll be able to help me to reflect upon what I'm doing in my life to be better(with Allah's bless...^_^ ) in the coming days.
Yosh!I'm going to a Japanese event in Shah Alam called Bon Odori this evening.I'm feeling quite happy to go there.Insyallah, I'll get new experience and lots of food there..hihi .FOOD,FOOD,FOOD, wait for me....=)

~~eternal happiness~~~ehehe...*rubs back of head*
1 comment:
samapi ati x bgtw aku kan ko da ae blog..
sodih raso ati den..
welcome to the world of blogging!
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