Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Uncalled For

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim :)

This post is totally uncalled for, hence, the title should explain it.

Few things happened few weeks ago, and some things are going to change in coming weeks too =) Alhamdulillah.

One prominent stuff that happened though;

I really hit off well with anyone who have had experience at being a secretary.

I mean, even if I didn't have a long chat with the person, there's just chemistry between us all.

The way secretary write, think etc is almost the same. Mind you, they're like the nerdiest of an organization. Secretaries are always, always those bookish type. And these people, they like to dwell on their thoughts to making changes in their own ways.

Also, they are NOT the type of people who like talking in front of an audience because let's face it, their President can do it so much better. Right?

The other thing is that, I noticed that makcik makcik who are secretaries in handling DeenTee are these women who look serious, but efficiently do their job, do not like wasting time, and talked with kindness in their eyes.

All of this got me thinking, among Rasulullah saw's friends and wives, who are those secretaries ? Because I'd like to know them more, and emulate what goodness they had around the Messenger.

That is all what I'd like to pen off.

Thursday, January 15, 2015



"Can't even begin to describe how beautiful the woods are today. With the changing leaves, the blooming fall wildflowers, and the blue sky, you can see the entire color spectrum"

Someone wrote this somewhere, and when I first read it, it struck something deep inside me.

I've always think that a good writer is someone who shares his/her thoughts or ideas for the world to interpret, and they will evoke some sort of emotion or intellectual or any kind of vivid response(s) to the readers.

It doesn't matter actually too if we (as the readers) think that the thoughts or ideas are boring or idyllic or...well, anything of the sort. But you know what, writers always pour their heart out when they write things because it matters to them. Those are the things they love to do.

And I, for one, do know for a fact that for someone who loves writing, he/she will always, always, always write regardless of everything.

On a side note, I am looking forward to reading Orhan Pamuk's My Name is Red and of course, Murakami's 1Q84.

Also, I've been trying to find history books about Malaysia, the birth of Middle East nations, the birth of Islamic movements that are as good as Destiny Disrupted's.


P/S : I am still super stoked that one of my favorite authors followed me on Twitter :D